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for over ten years we provide free services around school holidays and public holidays. Several thousands of programming, research and support hours went into the project. If you do not want the operation of this site to be solely dependent on advertising, you can support us with a donation.
Donation purpose: support
If you like, you can link your donation with a feature or improvement request.
Weekly calendar 2015 with calendar week 23 for Portugal with information about public holidays, school holidays and the phases of the moon. In the upper right corner you can change the year, the calendar week and the country. However, please note that the dates for school holidays and public holidays are not available for all countries and years.
You can set a deep link with the following code snippet:
for over ten years we provide free services around school holidays and public holidays. Several thousands of programming, research and support hours went into the project. If you do not want the operation of this site to be solely dependent on advertising, you can support us with a donation.
Donation purpose: support
If you like, you can link your donation with a feature or improvement request.
Do you want to include a link to our website on your's? Just insert the following HTML-code: